Manually Adding A New User to the SAT portal

Updated 2 months ago by admin

Below is a short guide on how to manually add a single user to Security Awareness Training (SAT). 

If you wish to add multiple users at once, please refer to our guide for adding multiple users with a CSV KB article
If your SAT environment has been setup up for SSO then step 9 and beyond are not required. To set up SSO please follow this KB Article.
  1. Navigate to the USS dashboard
  2. Select Products then select SAT - Administration
  3. Click on Tenancy on the left-hand side.
  4. On the top tab, click Users as shown below.
  5. In the Add User tab, fill in the correct information as shown below:
  1. After you have filled in the correct information, click on the Add User button.
  2. To check that the user has been added successfully, refresh the page and scroll down to Existing Users.
  3. Search for the user's by email address and if it has been added successfully, the user will show in the tenancy search as shown below.
  1. The user will need to set a password for their account. To do this, access the SAT portal and once at the home page there is a section for a new user to generate a password. Select the Here link as shown below.
  1. Once the user clicks on the link they will be redirected to the page below where they need to enter their email address.
  1. Once the email address has been entered press the Reset button. The below screen will show and the user will now receive an email from the SAT portal.
  1. The user will receive the below email. Click on the Link which will open the password reset page.
  1. The password reset page will be opened in your web browser. Enter a password that meets the requirements then press Reset. The password has now been set and the user can access the SAT portal.

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