Bypasses not applying

Updated 3 weeks ago by admin

Bypasses not applying

For a detailed guide on Bypasses, please view this KB Article.

Adding a bypass to a bypass category is not always sufficient. We will outline steps to troubleshoot a bypass that doesn't seem to be applying.

Make sure the bypass category is enabled on the relevant configuration profile

if the bypass has been added to Test Bypass Category we need to verify the category has been enabled

Navigate to Web Security --> Agent Configuration. Then, ensure the Test Bypass Category is ticked under the relevant configuration profile.

After clicking Apply Changes on the configuration, please note it takes up to 15 minutes for the changes to apply.

How to find out which config profile is in use

Configuration profiles can also be checked from the Deployment page on the USS Dashboard. Please view this KB Article.
USS Agent for Windows or macOS

Hover your mouse over the USS agent icon, and the configuration profile name will be displayed.

USS Gateway

Log into the USS Gateway interface and check the main overview page for the profile info:

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