Updating the USS Gateway

Updated 3 weeks ago by admin

From time to time, updates to the USS Gateway core software and operating system are released. This may include security fixes for newly identified vulnerabilities.

To upgrade the USS Gateway software and operating system:

Web access will be interrupted during the upgrade process. If you are unsure, please contact your Service Provider
  1. Important! Follow the first part of the article Migrating the SSL Intercept certificate to a new server and store the .pem somewhere safe.
  2. Log in to the Command Line
  3. Download the latest USS Gateway package wget https://downloads.clouduss.com/gateway/packages/ussgateway_<VERSION>_amd64.deb replacing the <VERSION>with the latest release, e.g. 2.0.52 (see Download)
  4. Update packages: sudo apt update and press Enter
  5. Install new Gateway package: sudo apt -f install ./ussgateway_<VERSION>_amd64.deb replacing the <VERSION>with the latest release, e.g. 2.0.52 (see Download)
  6. Press Y when prompted to install the new packages
  7. Follow any further prompts and accept any defaults if asked
  8. Import the SSL Intercept certificate that was backuped up in Step 1
Once the update has completed, you may perform a reboot - however this is not a mandatory step

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