SAT - Hierarchical Tenancy Management.

Updated 3 days ago by admin

Hierarchical access structure for managing tenancies:

  • Host Tenancies: These parent accounts have oversight access to all tenancies in their own branch of the hierarchy. A host can access any descendant within its branch, whether it's one level down or several levels down.
  • Child Tenancies: These are endpoint accounts that don't manage any sub-tenancies.

Important: Access permissions follow branch relationships. Hosts cannot access tenancies in parallel branches.

For example, if two host tenancies branch from the same parent, neither host can access the descendants in the other host's branch, even though these tenancies may appear lower in the overall hierarchy.

This structure ensures that the top-level host has complete visibility across all tenancies in the entire tree, while hosts at lower levels have visibility only within their own branch of descendants.

Accessing child tenancies:

As a host, you can access all tenancies under your branch in the 'Tenants' table on the left Nav bar.

Click 'Enter' to view the portal as the Tenancy selected.

When in the Tenancy, this will show in the top right of the portal.

From here, all Admin controls are available, including Reporting, Settings, User management, Content sending & more.

If you would like to enquire about becoming a Host tenancy, please contact your service provider.
'Your courses' will remain tied to the account you are accessing and will not change regardless of Tenancy viewing as.

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