Managing Deletion Requests from CEA
Managing Deletion Requests
How to manage deletion requests in the Compliant Email Archive (CEA).
As a data guardian of CEA, you will be provided with a separate user account that is used to manage requests. Therefore, the initial step is to access this account. Let's begin.
1. Login to your Data Guardian Account
As a data guardian of CEA, switching from your basic user account to your data guardian account is a simple process that can be accomplished by accessing the profile menu located in the upper right-hand corner of your archive interface.
- Click the profile menu in the top right.
- Click "Change User"
- Click your data guardian account (this should have an indication underneath the username that it is your data guardian account)
- You are now switched into your data guardian account.
2. View Requests
Once you access your data guardian account, you will have access to a new interface that enables you to manage and administer requests and transcripts from your archive. There are two types of requests: deletion and legal hold.
- Click "Requests" within the navigation bar.
- You are now viewing requests, you can see 2 types of requests.
- Click a "Deletion" request.
- There are multiple types of actions:
- Approval All - Approves all entries in the request.
- Decline All - Declines all entries in the request.
- Singular Approval - Approves the currently viewed entry.
- To do this, click an entry to view it and click the "check" mark.
- Singular Decline - Declines the currently viewed entry.
- To do this, click an entry to view it and click the "cross" mark.
- You can choose which action you'd like to take as a Data Guardian.
- After your action, the entry will either be:
- Approved for deletion and be deleted.
- Declined and not be deleted.