Upgrading the USS Gateway from 20.04 LTS to 22.04 LTS.

Updated 1 month ago by admin

Upgrade the USS Gateway from 20.04 to 22.04

Ubuntu 20.04 Long-Term Support is expiring in April 2025.

This KB will take you through the process of upgrading the USS Gateway from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04

Web access will be interrupted during the upgrade process. If you are unsure, please contact your Service Provider. This upgrade should take less than 1 hour to complete.

Pre-Upgrade steps

  1. Important! Follow the first part of the article, Migrating the SSL Intercept certificate to a new server and store the .pem somewhere safe.
  2. If your USS Gateway is running on virtual infrastructure, ensure you take a snapshot in case you need to roll back.
  3. Backup Your Data:
    • Use tools like rsync or Deja Dup to back up important files.
    • Backup critical system configurations if you have customised the system.
  4. Ensure Disk Space:
    • The upgrade process requires sufficient disk space (usually 1–2 GB additional for the upgrade files).
  5. Log in to the Command Line, then sudo su to switch to the root account.
  6. Check the current version of Ubuntu by typing cat /etc/issue - you should see version 20.04
  7. Run these commands to ensure your system is fully updated before upgrading:
  • sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade Select Y if prompted. This will determine previous updates that need installing and install them.
  • sudo apt dist-upgrade Select Y if prompted.
  • sudo apt autoremove Select Y if prompted.
  1. Upgrade to the latest version of the 20.04 USS Gateway. At the time of writing, this is 2.0.71 (see Download)
Ensure you download the Ubuntu 20.04 .deb file.
  • dpkg -l | grep ussgateway. This will confirm the current version of the USS Gateway software
  • If your version is not the latest, download the latest USS Gateway package by typing this command. wget https://downloads.clouduss.com/gateway/packages/ussgateway_20.04_<VERSION>_amd64.deb replacing the <VERSION>with the latest release, e.g. 2.0.71 (see Download)
  • Update packages: sudo apt update And press Enter
  • Install new Gateway package: sudo apt -f install ./ussgateway_20.04_<VERSION>_amd64.deb replacing the <VERSION>with the latest release, e.g. 2.0.71 (see Download)
  • Press Ywhen prompted to install the new packages
  • Follow any further prompts and accept any defaults if asked

Perform the Upgrade

  1. Install the update manager:

sudo apt install update-manager-core and select Y if prompted.

  1. Edit the Update Manager file:
  • Type to view the current default setting cat /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades
  • Type nano /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades this will allow the file to be edited. Use the arrow keys to move down to change Prompt=never to Prompt=lts
  • Press control x, then Y to Save

  • Select enter, and then you will return to the command prompt.
  1. Begin the upgrade process.
  • Typesudo do-release-upgrade When prompted, press [ENTER] to continue. This will check what packages are available.
  • Press Y to Continue. This will start the process of downloading files from Ubuntu.
  1. At this screen, select Yes.
  1. At this screen, select Y to keep the current version.
  1. At this screen, select Y to keep the current version.
  1. At this screen, select Y to keep the current version.
  1. At this screen, select OK to keep the current version.
  1. At this screen, select Y to remove the obsolete packages.
  1. At this screen, select Y to Restart the USS Gateway and load the new version of Ubuntu.
  2. Log in to the Command Line, then sudo su to switch to the root account.
  3. Install the latest version of the 22.04 USS Gateway by running these commands. At the time of writing this is 2.0.71 (see Download)
Ensure you download the Ubuntu 22.04 .deb file.
  • Download the latest USS Gateway package by typing this command. wget https://downloads.clouduss.com/gateway/packages/ussgateway_22.04_<VERSION>_amd64.deb replacing the <VERSION>with the latest release, e.g. 2.0.71 (see Download)
  • Update packages: sudo apt update And press Enter
  • Install new Gateway package: sudo apt -f install ./ussgateway_22.04_<VERSION>_amd64.deb replacing the <VERSION>with the latest release, e.g. 2.0.71 (see Download)
  • Press Y when prompted to install the new packages
  • Follow any further prompts and accept any defaults if asked
  • Check if the USS Gateway is now running the latest version. Type dpkg -l | grep ussgateway
  • Log in to the Gateway User Interface to check the status of the system
  1. If the proxy service does not show as started, install the newest libltdl7.
  • Type apt-get install libltdl7Then select Y
  • Once installed type: systemctl start uss-squid5 to start the proxy service.

Post-Upgrade steps.

Once the USS Gateway has upgraded, complete the steps below.

  1. Check the version of Ubuntu by typing. cat /etc/issue - it should now show 22.04
  1. Check the Update Manager file.
  • Type to view the current default setting cat /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades,if it still shows the Prompt=lts then follow the steps below.
  • Type nano /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades this will allow the file to be edited. Use the arrow keys to move down to change Prompt=lts to Prompt=never
  • Press control x, then Y to Save,
  • Select enter, and then you will return to the command prompt.
  • Type, cat /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades to confirm the save has been completed and the Prompt=never

The USS Gateway has now completed the upgraded process to Ubunti 22.04 LTS.

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