Download Microsoft Windows agent

Please read the requirements before downloading

Download - Latest Stable

Download (64-bit) | Download (32-bit) | Includes ManualUpdater Tool

Please note that the 32-bit version will be discontinued in the forthcoming v4.4.x agent


The Windows agent can either be deployed via a Wizard, script or via a custom MSI.

If you intend to use imaging software to deploy the agent please discuss the use of installation scripts with your service provider. Duplicating agent installations can lead to unexpected results.


The USS Agent software supports automatic or manual updates via Configuration Profiles.

The auto-upgrade feature uses the Microsoft MSI subsystem however it can be influenced by third party security software that alters permissions on files, folders, startup menu and tray applications, such as FSLogix.

Change Log

To see the latest changes to the software, please review the Change Log.

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