USS Gateway failing to install

Updated 1 week ago by admin

USS Gateway failing to install

For the complete installation guide please see this article

There are two common problems which cause the USS gateway to fail during installation which all stem from an inability to connect to the Internet. Both will be addressed in this guide:

Installer is unable to connect to the internet

This problem has been resolved in 2.0.71 and above.

This is usually a very simple fix, during installation you need to specify the correct default gateway, DNS server, subnet mask and assign the gateway an IP address as outlined in this Guide. These settings need to be correct for the gateway installation to be able to connect to the Internet via the router and be able to download essential installation packages.

To verify that your IP configuration is correct please execute a shell using the help section:

Then run this command:


This should produce an output like this:

If the output is different please restart the installation and verify the following:

  • Network interface is connected to the Virtual Machine (if VLANs are in use please make sure this is also configured correctly on the Virtual Machine settings and the correct subnet is configured during install)
  • Make sure the IP address you have chosen for the gateway is available and not already in use
  • Make sure there is no upstream proxy or a firewall rule preventing web access for the installer
  • Make sure the installer is able to resolve DNS via Google's service
Due to the way the Ubuntu 20.04 installer works, it will always use as the DNS server regardless of what you input during the IPV4 configuration screen. Please see the next section for further instructions

DNS resolution issues during installation

As noted above, the Ubuntu installer will ignore the DNS servers configured during installation and attempt to use as the primary nameserver. If your organisation blocks the Google DNS servers and you are unable to allow access, you can manually override the network settings by following these steps.

On the network setup screen select cancel and then Continue without network:

Now Enter Shell again and run the following commands:

apt install net-tools

nano /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml

You will be presented with an empty netplan file like this:

Edit this file as shown below and add your network configuration:

You can use the file above as a reference, but note that this is a YAML file which is indent sensitive:

  • Use spaces, not tabs: YAML requires spaces for indentation. Tabs are not allowed.
  • Consistent number of spaces: Use a consistent number of spaces for each level of indentation. The most common choices are 2 spaces, 4 spaces, or even 8 spaces.
  • Maintain alignment: Keep items at the same level aligned properly. This helps with readability.
  • Nested structures: When you have nested structures (like lists within lists or dictionaries within dictionaries), indent them further.

Once the file is completed press Ctrl+X and Y to exit and save

Then run this command:

netplan try

and click Enter to accept changes

Next, set the preferred DNS server:

We edit resolve.conf (this is a deprecated option but change it anyway to avoid legacy issues)

nano resolv.conf

and replace with the IP of your primary nameserver:

Finally, also update the new configuration file:

nano /etc/systemd/resolved.conf

Make sure the DNS servers are populated:

Ensure that the entries are unhashed out so they are applied within the configuration.

Once the file is configured press Ctrl+X and Y to exit and save

systemctl restart systemd-resolved

systemd-resolve --status | grep 'DNS Servers' -A2 (this will show you the changes)

If still shows up as the top IP address please run the following command:

systemd-resolve --flush-caches

and then run this again to verify:

systemd-resolve --status | grep 'DNS Servers' -A2

To Exit Shell and go back to the installation simply run:


You should now be able to continue with the Installation as normal.

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