Command-line parameters For the USS Agent for Mac OS X

The USS Agent for Mac OS X software supports command-line parameters which can be used as part of scripts to install or control the agent after installation.

Pre-installation Command Line Parameters

If you intend to script the installation of the USS Agent, or manually install from the command line, the parameters in the table below can be used.

The command line parameters can be used like so:


sudo ./UssAgent\\ Installer -q -u <username> -p <password> [-h <hostname>] [-d <domain>]


sudo ./UssAgent\\ Uninstaller -s -a <admin_password>

It is best practice to create a new administrator user for provisioning and assign a limited Role to the user containing the Mac OS X - Agent - Provisioning permission.


The username of a valid USS administrator account with provisioning rights.




The password for the account specified with the -u parameter.

-p p4ssw0rd



The Cloud Domain to use if the username specified by -u does not use the domain. If this is not specified, the installer will auto-detect.




The hostname to register the agent as. If it is absent, it will be automatically detected. If this is not specified, the installer will auto-detect.

-h maclaptop



The tamper-proof admin password for the agent to used during uninstall, as specified in the Agent Configuration Profile in use.

-a s3cr3t



The ID of the configuration profile to apply during installation. This can be found in the Advanced section of the Mac OS X Agent Configuration profile section. If it is absent, the default profile will be used (if available).

-c 5


Post-installation Command Line Parameters

If you wish to configure and control the USS Agent software after installation, you can use the special ManualUpdater tool, which is available from the download section.

The ManualUpdater tool support the following parameters:



Show the available parameters

-S [--start] password

Starts the USS Agent service with the given tamper-proof password

-s [--stop] password

Stops the USS Agent service with the given tamper-proof password

-r [--regenerate] password

Regenerate the SSL certificate. The tamper-proof password is required.

-R [--reconfigure]

Reconfigures the agent, and requires the following options:

-a [--admin_password] password - the tamper-proof password

-u [--username] username - the username to use

-p [--password] password - the password for the given username

-n [--hostname] hostname - the hostname to use

-d [--domain] api_domain

Specify an API Domain to use for this transaction. For example, -d ''


These examples may need to run with elevation.

Start the service:

sudo ManualUpdater -S p4ssw0rd

Stop the service:

sudo ManualUpdater -s p4ssw0rd

Reconfigure the service:

sudo ManualUpdater -R -a p4ssw0rd -u -p password -n myhostname

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