MIME Categories and Types
The Web Security product (gateway and endpoint agent) can perform MIME Type scanning of downloaded files through the use of a Filter Rule and the MIME Type action. This allows an administrator to block certain types of file content from being accessed through a web browser.
The following MIME type categories are available to select from.
Adobe PDF
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Adobe PDF | application/pdf | Adobe Portable Document Format |
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Archives | application/java-archive | .jar | Java Archive |
Archives | application/x-stuffit | .zip | Stuffit Archive |
Archives | application/vnd.airzip.filesecure.azf | .azf | AirZip FileSECURE |
Archives | application/vnd.airzip.filesecure.azs | .azs | AirZip FileSECURE |
Archives | application/vnd.android.package-archive | .apk | Android Package Archive |
Archives | application/vnd.joost.joda-archive | .joda | Joda Archive |
Archives | application/vnd.ms-cab-compressed | .cab | Microsoft Cabinet File |
Archives | application/x-7z-compressed | .7z | 7-Zip |
Archives | application/x-stuffitx | .sit | Stuffit Archive |
Archives | application/zip | .zip | Zip Archive |
Archives | application/x-ace-compressed | .ace | Ace Archive |
Archives | application/x-apple-diskimage | .dmg | Apple Disk Image |
Archives | application/x-bcpio | .bcpio | Binary CPIO Archive |
Archives | application/x-bzip | .bz | Bzip Archive |
Archives | application/x-bzip2 | .bz2 | Bzip2 Archive |
Archives | application/x-debian-package | .deb | Debian Package |
Archives | application/x-gtar | .gtar | GNU Tar Files |
Archives | application/x-rar-compressed | .rar | RAR Archive |
Archives | application/x-shar | .shar | Shell Archive |
Archives | application/x-ustar | .tar | Ustar (Uniform Standard Tape Archive) |
Archives | application/x-gzip | .gz,.tar.gz | Gzip File Format |
Archives | application/x-tar | .ustar | Tar File (Tape Archive) |
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Audio | audio/vnd.dts.hd | .dtshd | DTS High Definition Audio |
Audio | audio/x-ms-wma | .wma | Microsoft Windows Media Audio |
Audio | audio/x-ms-wax | .wax | Microsoft Windows Media Audio Redirector |
Audio | audio/x-mpegurl | .m3u | M3U (Multimedia Playlist) |
Audio | audio/x-aiff | .aif | Audio Interchange File Format |
Audio | audio/x-aac | .aac | Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) |
Audio | audio/webm | .weba | Open Web Media Project - Audio |
Audio | audio/vnd.rip | .rip | Hit-n-Mix |
Audio | audio/vnd.nuera.ecelp9600 | .ecelp9600 | Nuera ECELP 9600 |
Audio | audio/vnd.nuera.ecelp7470 | .ecelp7470 | Nuera ECELP 7470 |
Audio | audio/vnd.nuera.ecelp4800 | .ecelp4800 | Nuera ECELP 4800 |
Audio | audio/vnd.ms-playready.media.pya | .pya | Microsoft PlayReady Ecosystem |
Audio | audio/vnd.lucent.voice | .lvp | Lucent Voice |
Audio | audio/vnd.dts | .dts | DTS Audio |
Audio | audio/vnd.dra | .dra | DRA Audio |
Audio | audio/vnd.digital-winds | .eol | Digital Winds Music |
Audio | audio/vnd.dece.audio | .uva | DECE Audio |
Audio | audio/ogg | .oga | Ogg Audio |
Audio | audio/mpeg | .mpga | MPEG Audio |
Audio | audio/mp4 | .mp4a | MPEG-4 Audio |
Audio | audio/midi | .mid | MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface |
Audio | audio/basic | .au | Sun Audio - Au file format |
Audio | audio/adpcm | .adp | Adaptive differential pulse-code modulation |
Audio | application/vnd.apple.mpegurl | .m3u8 | Multimedia Playlist Unicode |
Audio | application/vnd.epson.msf | .msf | QUASS Stream Player |
Audio | application/vnd.yamaha.smaf-phrase | .spf | SMAF Phrase |
Audio | application/xspf+xml | .xspf | XSPF - XML Shareable Playlist Format |
Audio | application/vnd.yamaha.smaf-audio | .saf | SMAF Audio |
Audio | application/vnd.yamaha.openscoreformat.osfpvg+xml | .osfpvg | OSFPVG |
Audio | application/vnd.yamaha.openscoreformat | .osf | Open Score Format |
Audio | application/vnd.yamaha.hv-voice | .hvp | HV Voice Parameter |
Audio | application/vnd.yamaha.hv-script | .hvs | HV Script |
Audio | application/vnd.yamaha.hv-dic | .hvd | HV Voice Dictionary |
Audio | application/vnd.epson.esf | .esf | QUASS Stream Player |
Audio | application/vnd.epson.ssf | .ssf | QUASS Stream Player |
Audio | application/vnd.google-apps.audio | Google Apps - Audio | |
Audio | audio/x-wav | .wav | Waveform Audio File Format (WAV) |
Audio | audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin | .rmp | Real Audio Sound |
Audio | audio/x-pn-realaudio | .ram | Real Audio Sound |
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Chemical | chemical/x-xyz | .xyz | XYZ File Format |
Chemical | chemical/x-csml | .csml | Chemical Style Markup Language |
Chemical | chemical/x-cml | .cml | Chemical Markup Language |
Chemical | chemical/x-cmdf | .cmdf | CrystalMaker Data Format |
Chemical | chemical/x-cif | .cif | Crystallographic Interchange Format |
Chemical | chemical/x-cdx | .cdx | ChemDraw eXchange file |
Cloud Data Management Interface
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Cloud Data Management Interface | application/cdmi-queue | .cdmiq | Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI) - Queue |
Cloud Data Management Interface | application/cdmi-object | .cdmio | Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI) - Object |
Cloud Data Management Interface | application/cdmi-domain | .cdmid | Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI) - Domain |
Cloud Data Management Interface | application/cdmi-container | .cdmic | Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI) - Contaimer |
Cloud Data Management Interface | application/cdmi-capability | .cdmia | Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI) - Capability |
Common Markup Language
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Common Markup Language | text/yaml | .yaml | YAML Aint Markup Language / Yet Another Markup Language |
Common Markup Language | application/xml-dtd | .xslt | Document Type Definition |
Common Markup Language | application/xslt+xml | .dtd | XML Transformations |
Common Markup Language | application/xml | .xml | XML - Extensible Markup Language |
Common Markup Language | application/xhtml+xml | .xhtml | XHTML - The Extensible HyperText Markup Language |
Common Markup Language | application/voicexml+xml | .vxml | VoiceXML |
Common Markup Language | application/vnd.syncml+xml | .xsm | SyncML |
Common Markup Language | application/vnd.syncml.dm+xml | .xdm | SyncML - Device Management |
Common Markup Language | text/sgml | .sgml | Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) |
Common Markup Language | text/vnd.wap.wml | .wml | Wireless Markup Language (WML) |
Common Markup Language | application/vnd.syncml.dm+wbxml | .bdm | SyncML - Device Management |
Common Markup Language | application/postscript | .ai | PostScript |
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Cryptography | application/pkcs7-mime | .p7m | PKCS #7 - Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard |
Cryptography | application/pics-rules | .prf | PICSRules |
Cryptography | application/pgp-signature | .pgp | Pretty Good Privacy - Signature |
Cryptography | application/pgp-encrypted | .pgp | Pretty Good Privacy |
Cryptography | application/x-x509-ca-cert | .der | X.509 Certificate |
Cryptography | application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp | .p7r | PKCS #7 - Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard (Certificate Request Response) |
Cryptography | application/x-pkcs7-certificates | .p7b | PKCS #7 - Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard (Certificates) |
Cryptography | application/x-pkcs12 | .p12 | PKCS #12 - Personal Information Exchange Syntax Standard |
Cryptography | application/scvp-vp-response | .spp | Server-Based Certificate Validation Protocol - Validation Policies - Response |
Cryptography | application/scvp-vp-request | .spq | Server-Based Certificate Validation Protocol - Validation Policies - Request |
Cryptography | application/scvp-cv-response | .scs | Server-Based Certificate Validation Protocol - Validation Response |
Cryptography | application/scvp-cv-request | .scq | Server-Based Certificate Validation Protocol - Validation Request |
Cryptography | application/pkix-pkipath | .pkipath | Internet Public Key Infrastructure - Certification Path |
Cryptography | application/pkix-crl | .crl | Internet Public Key Infrastructure - Certificate Revocation Lists |
Cryptography | application/pkixcmp | .pki | Internet Public Key Infrastructure - Certificate Management Protocole |
Cryptography | application/pkix-cert | .cer | Internet Public Key Infrastructure - Certificate |
Cryptography | application/pkix-attr-cert | .ac | Attribute Certificate |
Cryptography | application/pkcs8 | .p8 | PKCS #8 - Private-Key Information Syntax Standard |
Cryptography | application/pkcs7-signature | .p7s | PKCS #7 - Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard |
Cryptography | application/pkcs10 | .p10 | PKCS #10 - Certification Request Standard |
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
CyberEssentials | application/vnd.microsoft.portable-executable | .exe | Microsoft Windows Portable Executable |
CyberEssentials | application/x-dosexec | .exe,.com | |
CyberEssentials | application/x-msdownload | .exe | Microsoft Application |
CyberEssentials | application/x-msi | .msi | Microsoft Installer |
CyberEssentials | application/java-archive | .jar | Java Archive |
CyberEssentials | application/x-sh | .sh | Bourne Shell Script |
CyberEssentials | application/x-apple-diskimage | .dmg | Apple Disk Image |
CyberEssentials | application/zip | .zip | Zip Archive |
CyberEssentials | application/x-7z-compressed | .7z | 7-Zip |
CyberEssentials | application/x-rar-compressed | .rar | RAR Archive |
CyberEssentials | application/x-ustar | .tar | Ustar (Uniform Standard Tape Archive) |
CyberEssentials | application/x-gzip | .gz,.tar.gz | Gzip File Format |
CyberEssentials | application/x-msdos-program | .bat | BAT File Format |
CyberEssentials | application/bat | .bat | BAT File Format |
CyberEssentials | application/x-bat | .bat | BAT File Format |
CyberEssentials | application/bat | .bat | BAT File Format |
CyberEssentials | application/octet-stream* | .bin | Binary Data |
CyberEssentials | text/x-python | .py | Python Script |
* application/octet-stream
is a generic MIME type which web servers can use to identify any type of binary data and therefore could lead to false positives. It does not apply only to .bin
file extensions in the real world.
Dangerous File Types
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Dangerous File Types | application/bat | .bat | BAT File Format |
Dangerous File Types | application/vnd.microsoft.portable-executable | .exe | Microsoft Windows Portable Executable |
Dangerous File Types | application/x-dosexec | .exe,.com | |
Dangerous File Types | application/x-ms-application | .application | Microsoft ClickOnce |
Dangerous File Types | application/x-msdownload | .exe | Microsoft Application |
Dangerous File Types | application/java-archive | .jar | Java Archive |
Dangerous File Types | application/mediaservercontrol+xml | .mscml | Media Server Control Markup Language |
Dangerous File Types | application/wsdl+xml | .wsdl | WSDL - Web Services Description Language |
Dangerous File Types | application/wspolicy+xml | .wspolicy | Web Services Policy |
Dangerous File Types | model/mesh | .msh | Mesh Data Type |
Dangerous File Types | application/x-msi | .msi | Microsoft Installer |
Dangerous File Types | application/java-archive | .jar | Java Archive |
Dangerous File Types | application/x-msdos-program | .bat | BAT File Format |
Dangerous File Types | application/x-bat | .bat | BAT File Format |
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Ebooks | application/vnd.amazon.ebook | .azw | Amazon Kindle eBook format |
Ebooks | application/epub+zip | .epub | Electronic Publication |
Educational Software
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Educational Software | application/vnd.crick.clicker.keyboard | .clkk | CrickSoftware - Clicker - Keyboard |
Educational Software | application/vnd.crick.clicker | .clkx | CrickSoftware - Clicker |
Educational Software | application/vnd.crick.clicker.palette | .clkp | CrickSoftware - Clicker - Palette |
Educational Software | application/vnd.crick.clicker.wordbank | .clkw | CrickSoftware - Clicker - Wordbank |
Educational Software | application/vnd.crick.clicker.template | .clkt | CrickSoftware - Clicker - Template |
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
message/rfc822 | .eml | Email Message |
Executable Binary
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Executable Binary | application/vnd.microsoft.portable-executable | .exe | Microsoft Windows Portable Executable |
Executable Binary | application/x-executable | ||
Executable Binary | application/x-dosexec | .exe,.com | |
Executable Binary | application/x-sharedlib | ||
Executable Binary | application/x-msdownload | .exe | Microsoft Application |
Executable Scripts
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Executable Scripts | application/x-sh | .sh | Bourne Shell Script |
Executable Scripts | text/javascript | .js | JavaScript |
Executable Scripts | application/sparql-query | .rq | SPARQL - Query |
Executable Scripts | application/ecmascript | .es | ECMAScript |
Executable Scripts | application/javascript | .js | JavaScript |
Executable Scripts | text/vnd.wap.wmlscript | .wmls | Wireless Markup Language Script (WMLScript) |
Executable Scripts | application/x-csh | .csh | C Shell Script |
Executable Scripts | application/x-tcl | .tcl | Tcl Script |
Finance Applications
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Finance Applications | application/vnd.intu.qbo | .qbo | Open Financial Exchange |
Finance Applications | application/vnd.intu.qfx | .qfx | Quicken |
Finance Applications | application/vnd.accpac.simply.imp | .imp | Simply Accounting - Data Import |
Finance Applications | application/vnd.accpac.simply.aso | .aso | Simply Accounting |
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Fonts | application/x-font-ghostscript | .gsf | Ghostscript Font |
Fonts | application/vnd.ms-fontobject | .eot | Microsoft Embedded OpenType |
Fonts | application/font-tdpfr | .pfr | Portable Font Resource |
Fonts | application/x-font-pcf | .pcf | Portable Compiled Format |
Fonts | application/x-font-snf | .snf | Server Normal Format |
Fonts | application/x-font-ttf | .ttf | TrueType Font |
Fonts | application/x-font-type1 | .pfa | PostScript Fonts |
Fonts | application/x-tex-tfm | .woff | TeX Font Metric |
Fonts | application/x-font-woff | .tfm | Web Open Font Format |
Generic Data
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Generic Data | application/octet-stream | .bin | Binary Data |
Generic Data | application/base64 | .mm | Base64 |
Generic Data | text/x-uuencode | .uu | UUEncode |
Google Apps / Gsuite | application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet | Google Sheets | |
Google Apps / Gsuite | application/vnd.google-apps.document | Google Docs |
Google Apps / GSuite
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Google Apps / Gsuite | application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet | Google Sheets | |
Google Apps / Gsuite | application/vnd.google-apps.document | Google Docs | |
Google Apps / Gsuite | application/vnd.google-apps.photo | Google Photo | |
Google Apps / Gsuite | application/vnd.google-apps.form | Google Forms | |
Google Apps / Gsuite | application/vnd.google-apps.drawing | Google Drawing | |
Google Apps / Gsuite | application/vnd.google-apps.presentation | Google Slides | |
Google Apps / Gsuite | application/vnd.google-apps.fusiontable | Google Fusion Tables | |
Google Apps / Gsuite | application/vnd.google-apps.script | Google Apps Script |
Google Drive
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Google Drive | application/vnd.google-apps.drive-sdk | Google Drive Shortcut | |
Google Drive | application/vnd.google-apps.file | Google Drive file | |
Google Drive | application/vnd.google-apps.folder | Google Drive folder |
Google Earth
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Google Earth | application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml | .kml | Google Earth - KML |
Google Earth | application/vnd.google-earth.kmz | .kmz | Google Earth - Zipped KML |
Google My Maps
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Google My Maps | application/vnd.google-apps.map | Google My Maps |
Google Sites
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Google Sites | application/vnd.google-apps.site | Google Sites |
IBM Lotus Symphony
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
IBM Lotus Symphony | application/vnd.lotus-notes | .nsf | Lotus Notes |
IBM Lotus Symphony | application/vnd.lotus-freelance | .pre | Lotus Freelance |
IBM Lotus Symphony | application/vnd.lotus-approach | .apr | Lotus Approach |
IBM Lotus Symphony | application/vnd.lotus-wordpro | .lwp | Lotus Wordpro |
IBM Lotus Symphony | application/vnd.lotus-screencam | .scm | Lotus Screencam |
IBM Lotus Symphony | application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3 | .123 | Lotus 1-2-3 |
IBM Lotus Symphony | application/vnd.lotus-organizer | .org | Lotus Organizer |
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Images | image/cgm | .cgm | Computer Graphics Metafile |
Images | image/vnd.adobe.photoshop | .psd | Photoshop Document |
Images | image/bmp | .bmp | Bitmap Image File |
Images | image/x-xwindowdump | .xwd | X Window Dump |
Images | image/x-xpixmap | .xpm | X PixMap |
Images | image/x-xbitmap | .xbm | X BitMap |
Images | image/x-rgb | .rgb | Silicon Graphics RGB Bitmap |
Images | image/x-portable-pixmap | .ppm | Portable Pixmap Format |
Images | image/x-portable-graymap | .pgm | Portable Graymap Format |
Images | image/x-portable-bitmap | .pbm | Portable Bitmap Format |
Images | image/x-portable-anymap | .pnm | Portable Anymap Image |
Images | image/x-png | .png | Portable Network Graphics (PNG) (x-token) |
Images | image/x-pict | .pic | PICT Image |
Images | image/x-pcx | .pcx | PCX Image |
Images | image/x-icon | .ico | Icon Image |
Images | image/x-freehand | .fh | FreeHand MX |
Images | image/x-cmx | .cmx | Corel Metafile Exchange (CMX) |
Images | image/x-cmu-raster | .ras | CMU Image |
Images | image/x-citrix-png | .png | Portable Network Graphics (PNG) (Citrix client) |
Images | image/x-citrix-jpeg | .jpeg, .jpg | JPEG Image (Citrix client) |
Images | image/webp | .webp | WebP Image |
Images | image/vnd.xiff | .xif | eXtended Image File Format (XIFF) |
Images | image/vnd.wap.wbmp | .wbmp | WAP Bitamp (WBMP) |
Images | image/vnd.net-fpx | .npx | FlashPix |
Images | image/vnd.ms-modi | .mdi | Microsoft Document Imaging Format |
Images | image/vnd.fujixerox.edmics-rlc | .rlc | EDMICS 2000 |
Images | image/vnd.fujixerox.edmics-mmr | .mmr | EDMICS 2000 |
Images | image/vnd.fst | .fst | FAST Search & Transfer ASA |
Images | image/vnd.fpx | .fpx | FlashPix |
Images | image/vnd.fastbidsheet | .fbs | FastBid Sheet |
Images | image/vnd.dxf | .dxf | AutoCAD DXF |
Images | image/vnd.dece.graphic | .uvi | DECE Graphic |
Images | image/vnd.dwg | .dwg | DWG Drawing |
Images | image/vnd.dvb.subtitle | .sub | Close Captioning - Subtitle |
Images | image/vnd.djvu | .djvu | DjVu |
Images | image/g3fax | .g3 | G3 Fax Image |
Images | image/gif | .gif | Graphics Interchange Format |
Images | image/ief | .ief | Image Exchange Format |
Images | image/jpeg | .jpeg, .jpg | JPEG Image |
Images | image/ktx | .ktx | OpenGL Textures (KTX) |
Images | image/pjpeg | .pjpeg | JPEG Image (Progressive) |
Images | image/png | .png | Portable Network Graphics (PNG) |
Images | image/prs.btif | .btif | BTIF |
Images | image/svg+xml | .svg | Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) |
Images | image/tiff | .tiff | Tagged Image File Format |
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Installers | application/vnd.apple.installer+xml | .mpkg | Apple Installer Package |
Installers | application/x-msi | .msi | Microsoft Installer |
Installers | application/x-xpinstall | .xpi | XPInstall - Mozilla |
Installers | application/vnd.adobe.air-application-installer-package+zip | .air | Adobe AIR Application |
KDE Office
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
KDE Koffice | application/vnd.kde.karbon | .karbon | KDE KOffice Office Suite - Karbon |
KDE Koffice | application/vnd.kde.kchart | .chrt | KDE KOffice Office Suite - KChart |
KDE Koffice | application/vnd.kde.kformula | .kfo | KDE KOffice Office Suite - Kformula |
KDE Koffice | application/vnd.kde.kivio | .flw | KDE KOffice Office Suite - Kivio |
KDE Koffice | application/vnd.kde.kontour | .kon | KDE KOffice Office Suite - Kontour |
KDE Koffice | application/vnd.kde.kpresenter | .kpr | KDE KOffice Office Suite - Kpresenter |
KDE Koffice | application/vnd.kde.kspread | .ksp | KDE KOffice Office Suite - Kspread |
KDE Koffice | application/vnd.kde.kword | .kwd | KDE KOffice Office Suite - Kword |
Microsoft Office
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Microsoft Office | application/x-msbinder | .obd | Microsoft Office Binder |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slide | .sldx | Microsoft Office - OOXML - Presentation (Slide) |
Microsoft Office | application/x-mscardfile | .crd | Microsoft Information Card |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.visio | .vsd | Microsoft Visio |
Microsoft Office | application/x-msclip | .clp | Microsoft Clipboard Clip |
Microsoft Office | application/x-msmediaview | .mvb | Microsoft MediaView |
Microsoft Office | application/x-msmetafile | .wmf | Microsoft Windows Metafile |
Microsoft Office | application/x-msmoney | .mny | Microsoft Money |
Microsoft Office | application/x-mspublisher | .pub | Microsoft Publisher |
Microsoft Office | application/x-msschedule | .scd | Microsoft Schedule+ |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.ms-htmlhelp | .chm | Microsoft Html Help File |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.ms-powerpoint | .ppt | Microsoft PowerPoint |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.addin.macroenabled.12 | .ppam | Microsoft PowerPoint - Add-in file |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.presentation.macroenabled.12 | .pptm | Microsoft PowerPoint - Macro-Enabled Presentation File |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.slide.macroenabled.12 | .sldm | Microsoft PowerPoint - Macro-Enabled Open XML Slide |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.slideshow.macroenabled.12 | .ppsm | Microsoft PowerPoint - Macro-Enabled Slide Show File |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template | .dotx | Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document Template |
Microsoft Office | application/x-mswrite | .wri | Microsoft Wordpad |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.ms-works | .wps | Microsoft Works |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.template.macroenabled.12 | .potm | Microsoft PowerPoint - Macro-Enabled Template File |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.ms-project | .mpp | Microsoft Project |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.ms-word.document.macroenabled.12 | .docm | Microsoft Word - Macro-Enabled Document |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.ms-word.template.macroenabled.12 | .dotm | Microsoft Word - Macro-Enabled Template |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation | .pptx | Microsoft Office - OOXML - Presentation |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document | .docx | Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template | .xltx | Microsoft Office - OOXML - Spreadsheet Template |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet | .xlsx | Microsoft Office - OOXML - Spreadsheet |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template | .potx | Microsoft Office - OOXML - Presentation Template |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow | .ppsx | Microsoft Office - OOXML - Presentation (Slideshow) |
Microsoft Office | application/msword | .doc | Microsoft Word |
Microsoft Office | application/onenote | .onetoc | Microsoft OneNote |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.ms-excel | .xls | Microsoft Excel |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.ms-artgalry | .cil | Microsoft Artgalry |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.ms-excel.addin.macroenabled.12 | .xlam | Microsoft Excel - Add-In File |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.binary.macroenabled.12 | .xlsb | Microsoft Excel - Binary Workbook |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.macroenabled.12 | .xlsm | Microsoft Excel - Macro-Enabled Workbook |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.ms-excel.template.macroenabled.12 | .xltm | Microsoft Excel - Macro-Enabled Template File |
Microsoft Office | application/vnd.visio2013 | .vsdx | Microsoft Visio 2013 |
Microsoft Office | application/x-msaccess | .mdb | Microsoft Access |
Microsoft Office | application/x-ms-application | .application | Microsoft ClickOnce |
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Modelling | model/iges | .igs | Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) |
Modelling | text/vnd.fmi.flexstor | .flx | FLEXSTOR |
Modelling | model/mesh | .msh | Mesh Data Type |
Modelling | model/vnd.collada+xml | .dae | COLLADA |
Modelling | model/vnd.dwf | .dwf | Autodesk Design Web Format (DWF) |
Modelling | model/vnd.gdl | .gdl | Geometric Description Language (GDL) |
Modelling | model/vnd.gtw | .gtw | Gen-Trix Studio |
Modelling | model/vnd.mts | .mts | Virtue MTS |
Modelling | model/vnd.vtu | .vtu | Virtue VTU |
Modelling | model/vrml | .wrl | Virtual Reality Modeling Language |
Open Office
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Open Office | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart-template | .otc | OpenDocument Chart Template |
Open Office | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-template | .ots | OpenDocument Spreadsheet Template |
Open Office | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text | .odt | OpenDocument Text |
Open Office | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-master | .odm | OpenDocument Text Master |
Open Office | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template | .ott | OpenDocument Text Template |
Open Office | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-web | .oth | Open Document Text Web |
Open Office | application/vnd.openofficeorg.extension | .oxt | Open Office Extension |
Open Office | application/vnd.sun.xml.math | .sxm | OpenOffice - Math (Formula) |
Open Office | application/vnd.stardivision.impress | .sdd | StarOffice - Impress |
Open Office | application/vnd.stardivision.draw | .sda | StarOffice - Draw |
Open Office | application/vnd.stardivision.calc | .sdc | StarOffice - Calc |
Open Office | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database | .odb | OpenDocument Database |
Open Office | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula | .odf | OpenDocument Formula |
Open Office | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula-template | .odft | OpenDocument Formula Template |
Open Office | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics | .odg | OpenDocument Graphics |
Open Office | application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template | .stw | OpenOffice - Writer Template (Text - HTML) |
Open Office | application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.global | .sxg | OpenOffice - Writer (Text - HTML) |
Open Office | application/vnd.sun.xml.writer | .sxw | OpenOffice - Writer (Text - HTML) |
Open Office | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics-template | .otg | OpenDocument Graphics Template |
Open Office | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.image | .odi | OpenDocument Image |
Open Office | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.image-template | .oti | OpenDocument Image Template |
Open Office | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation | .odp | OpenDocument Presentation |
Open Office | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation-template | .otp | OpenDocument Presentation Template |
Open Office | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet | .ods | OpenDocument Spreadsheet |
Open Office | application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template | .sti | OpenOffice - Impress Template (Presentation) |
Open Office | application/vnd.sun.xml.impress | .sxi | OpenOffice - Impress (Presentation) |
Open Office | application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template | .std | OpenOffice - Draw Template (Graphics) |
Open Office | application/vnd.sun.xml.draw | .sxd | OpenOffice - Draw (Graphics) |
Open Office | application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template | .stc | OpenOffice - Calc Template (Spreadsheet) |
Open Office | application/vnd.sun.xml.calc | .sxc | OpenOffice - Calc (Spreadsheet) |
Open Office | application/vnd.stardivision.writer-global | .sgl | StarOffice - Writer (Global) |
Open Office | application/vnd.stardivision.writer | .sdw | StarOffice - Writer |
Open Office | application/vnd.stardivision.math | .smf | StarOffice - Math |
Open Office | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart | .odc | OpenDocument Chart |
Other Adobe Applications
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Other Adobe Applications | application/x-authorware-seg | .aas | Adobe (Macropedia) Authorware - Segment File |
Other Adobe Applications | application/x-authorware-map | .aam | Adobe (Macropedia) Authorware - Map |
Other Adobe Applications | application/x-authorware-bin | .aab | Adobe (Macropedia) Authorware - Binary File |
Other Adobe Applications | application/vnd.adobe.xfdf | .xfdf | Adobe XML Forms Data Format |
Other Adobe Applications | application/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml | .xdp | Adobe XML Data Package |
Other Adobe Applications | application/vnd.adobe.fxp | .fxp | Adobe Flex Project |
Other Adobe Applications | application/vnd.ahead.space | .ahead | Ahead AIR Application |
Other Markup Languages
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Other Markup Languages | application/vnd.ms-xpsdocument | .xps | Microsoft XML Paper Specification |
Other Markup Languages | application/wspolicy+xml | .wspolicy | Web Services Policy |
Other Markup Languages | application/winhlp | .hlp | WinHelp |
Other Markup Languages | application/vnd.uoml+xml | .uoml | Unique Object Markup Language |
Other Markup Languages | application/x-tex | .tex | TeX |
Other Markup Languages | text/n3 | .n3 | Notation3 |
Other Markup Languages | text/troff | .t | troff |
Other Markup Languages | text/turtle | .ttl | Turtle (Terse RDF Triple Language) |
Other Markup Languages | text/vnd.in3d.3dml | .3dml | In3D - 3DML |
Other Markup Languages | text/vnd.in3d.spot | .spot | In3D - 3DML |
Other Markup Languages | application/resource-lists+xml | .rl | XML Resource Lists |
Other Markup Languages | application/resource-lists-diff+xml | .rld | XML Resource Lists Diff |
Other Markup Languages | application/rls-services+xml | .rs | XML Resource Lists |
Other Markup Languages | application/rsd+xml | .rsd | Really Simple Discovery |
Other Markup Languages | application/rss+xml | .rss, .xml | RSS - Really Simple Syndication |
Other Markup Languages | application/sbml+xml | .sbml | Systems Biology Markup Language |
Other Markup Languages | application/shf+xml | .shf | S Hexdump Format |
Other Markup Languages | application/smil+xml | .smi | Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language |
Other Markup Languages | application/sparql-results+xml | .srx | SPARQL - Results |
Other Markup Languages | application/srgs+xml | .grxml | Speech Recognition Grammar Specification - XML |
Other Markup Languages | application/sru+xml | .sru | Search/Retrieve via URL Response Format |
Other Markup Languages | application/ssml+xml | .ssml | Speech Synthesis Markup Language |
Other Markup Languages | application/tei+xml | .tei | Text Encoding and Interchange |
Other Markup Languages | application/thraud+xml | .tfi | Sharing Transaction Fraud Data |
Other Markup Languages | application/vnd.chemdraw+xml | .cdxml | CambridgeSoft Chem Draw |
Other Markup Languages | application/wsdl+xml | .wsdl | WSDL - Web Services Description Language |
Other Markup Languages | application/x-latex | .latex | LaTeX |
Other Markup Languages | application/xv+xml | .mxml | MXML |
Other Markup Languages | application/x-texinfo | .texinfo | GNU Texinfo Document |
Other Markup Languages | application/atom+xml | .atom, .xml | Atom Syndication Format |
Other Markup Languages | application/atomcat+xml | .atomcat | Atom Publishing Protocol |
Other Markup Languages | application/atomsvc+xml | .atomsvc | Atom Publishing Protocol Service Document |
Other Markup Languages | application/ccxml+xml, | .ccxml | Voice Browser Call Control |
Other Markup Languages | application/davmount+xml | .davmount | Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning |
Other Markup Languages | application/dssc+xml | .xdssc | Data Structure for the Security Suitability of Cryptographic Algorithms |
Other Markup Languages | application/emma+xml | .emma | Extensible MultiModal Annotation |
Other Markup Languages | application/mads+xml | .mads | Metadata Authority Description Schema |
Other Markup Languages | application/marcxml+xml | .mrcx | MARC21 XML Schema |
Other Markup Languages | application/mathml+xml | .mathml | Mathematical Markup Language |
Other Markup Languages | application/mediaservercontrol+xml | .mscml | Media Server Control Markup Language |
Other Markup Languages | application/metalink4+xml | .meta4 | Metalink |
Other Markup Languages | application/mets+xml | .mets | Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard |
Other Markup Languages | application/mods+xml | .mods | Metadata Object Description Schema |
Other Markup Languages | application/oebps-package+xml | .opf | Open eBook Publication Structure |
Other Markup Languages | application/pls+xml | .pls | Pronunciation Lexicon Specification |
Other Microsoft Applications
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Other Microsoft Applications | application/vnd.ms-officetheme | .thmx | Microsoft Office System Release Theme |
Other Microsoft Applications | application/vnd.ms-pki.stl | .stl | Microsoft Trust UI Provider - Certificate Trust Link |
Other Microsoft Applications | application/x-msterminal | .trm | Microsoft Windows Terminal Services |
Other Microsoft Applications | application/vnd.ms-pki.seccat | .cat | Microsoft Trust UI Provider - Security Catalog |
Other Microsoft Applications | application/vnd.ms-ims | .ims | Microsoft Class Server |
Other Microsoft Applications | application/vnd.ms-lrm | .lrm | Microsoft Learning Resource Module |
Other Office Applications
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Other Office Applications | application/vnd.wordperfect | .wpd | Wordperfect |
Other Office Documents
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Other Office Documents | application/oda | .oda | Office Document Architecture |
Other Office Documents | text/x-vcard | .vcf | vCard |
Other Office Documents | application/rtf | .rtf | Rich Text Format |
Other Office Documents | text/x-vcalendar | .vcs | vCalendar |
Other Office Documents | text/vnd.graphviz | .gv | Graphviz |
Other Office Documents | text/tab-separated-values | .tsv | Tab Seperated Values |
Other Office Documents | text/csv | .csv | Comma-Seperated Values |
Other Office Documents | text/calendar | .ics | iCalendar |
Other Office Documents | application/vnd.quark.quarkxpress | .qxd | QuarkXpress |
Program Source Code
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Program Source Code | text/x-pascal | .p | Pascal Source File |
Program Source Code | text/x-java-source,java | .java | Java Source File |
Program Source Code | text/x-fortran | .f | Fortran Source File |
Program Source Code | text/x-c | .c | C Source File |
Program Source Code | text/x-asm | .s | Assembler Source File |
Program Source Code | text/x-java-source | .java | Java Source File |
Program Source Code | application/java-serialized-object | Java Serialized Object | |
Program Source Code | application/java-vm | .class | Java Bytecode File |
Program Source Code | application/vnd.acucorp | .atc | ACU Cobol |
Program Source Code | application/vnd.acucobol | .acu | ACU Cobol |
Program Source Code | application/json | .json | JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) |
Text Document
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Text Document | text/vnd.curl | .curl | Curl - Applet |
Text Document | text/vnd.curl.dcurl | .dcurl | Curl - Detached Applet |
Text Document | text/vnd.curl.mcurl | .mcurl | Curl - Manifest File |
Text Document | text/vnd.curl.scurl | .scurl | Curl - Source Code |
Text Document | text/x-setext | .etx | Setext |
Text Document | text/plain | .txt | Text File |
Text Document | text/vnd.sun.j2me.app-descriptor | .jad | J2ME App Descriptor |
Text Document | text/vnd.fly | .fly | mod_fly / fly.cgi |
Text Document | text/plain-bas | .par | BAS Partitur Format |
Text Document | text/prs.lines.tag | .dsc | PRS Lines Tag |
Text Document | text/richtext | .rtx | Rich Text Format (RTF) |
Text Document | text/uri-list | .uri | URI Resolution Services |
Torrent Stream
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Torrent Stream | application/x-bittorrent | .torrent | BitTorrent |
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Video | video/x-msvideo | .avi | Audio Video Interleave (AVI) |
Video | video/mp4 | .mp4 | MPEG-4 Video |
Video | video/mj2 | .mj2 | Motion JPEG 2000 |
Video | video/jpm | .jpm | JPEG 2000 Compound Image File Format |
Video | video/jpeg | .jpgv | JPGVideo |
Video | video/3gpp2 | .3g2 | 3GP2 |
Video | video/3gpp | .3gp | 3GP |
Video | application/x-silverlight-app | .xap | Microsoft Silverlight |
Video | video/x-ms-wm | .wm | Microsoft Windows Media |
Video | video/x-ms-wmv | .wmv | Microsoft Windows Media Video |
Video | video/x-ms-wmx | .wmx | Microsoft Windows Media Audio/Video Playlist |
Video | video/h264 | .h264 | H.264 |
Video | video/x-ms-wvx | .wvx | Microsoft Windows Media Video Playlist |
Video | video/x-sgi-movie | .movie | SGI Movie |
Video | application/vnd.mseq | .mseq | 3GPP MSEQ File |
Video | application/vnd.epson.quickanime | .qam | QuickAnime Player |
Video | application/x-shockwave-flash | .swf | Adobe Flash |
Video | application/x-ms-wmz | .wmz | Microsoft Windows Media Player Skin Package |
Video | application/x-ms-wmd | .wmd | Microsoft Windows Media Player Download Package |
Video | application/vnd.rn-realmedia | .rm | RealMedia |
Video | application/mp4 | .mp4 | MPEG4 |
Video | application/mp21 | .m21 | MPEG-21 |
Video | video/h261 | .h261 | H.261 |
Video | video/h263 | .h263 | H.263 |
Video | application/vnd.epson.salt | .slt | SimpleAnimeLite Player |
Video | application/vnd.google-apps.video | .ogx | Google Video |
Video | application/vnd.ms-wpl | .wpl | Microsoft Windows Media Player Playlist |
Video | application/x-director | .dir | Adobe Shockwave Player |
Video | video/x-f4v | .f4v | Flash Video |
Video | video/vnd.dece.video | .uvv | DECE Video |
Video | video/vnd.dece.sd | .uvs | DECE SD Video |
Video | video/vnd.dece.pd | .uvp | DECE PD Video |
Video | video/vnd.dece.mobile | .uvm | DECE Mobile Video |
Video | video/vnd.dece.hd | .uvh | DECE High Definition Video |
Video | video/quicktime | .qt | Quicktime Video |
Video | video/ogg | .ogv | Ogg Video |
Video | video/mpeg | .mpeg | MPEG Video |
Video | video/x-fli | .fli | FLI/FLC Animation Format |
Video | video/x-flv | .flv | Flash Video |
Video | video/x-m4v | .m4v | M4v |
Video | video/x-ms-asf | .asf | Microsoft Advanced Systems Format (ASF) |
Video | video/webm | .webm | Open Web Media Project - Video |
Video | video/vnd.fvt | .fvt | FAST Search & Transfer ASA |
Video | application/x-cdlink | .vcd | Video CD |
Video | application/x-dvi | .dvi | Device Independent File Format (DVI) |
Video | application/ogg | .ogx | Ogg |
Video | video/vnd.mpegurl | .mxu | MPEG Url |
Video | video/vnd.ms-playready.media.pyv | .pyv | Microsoft PlayReady Ecosystem Video |
Video | video/vnd.uvvu.mp4 | .uvu | DECE MP4 |
Video | video/vnd.vivo | .viv | Vivo |
Web Markup Language
Name | MIME Type | Extension(s) | Description |
Web Markup Language | text/html | .html | HyperText Markup Language (HTML) |
Web Markup Language | text/css | .css | Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) |