SAT - Comms Template for Google.

Updated 3 weeks ago by admin

Comms Template for Google.

As you may have seen, there has been a rapid spike in Cyber Crime and Scams impacting UK businesses and people in their personal lives.

Something that all of us can do to ensure we are remaining as safe as possible is to know where and how to look for telltale signs.

We feel it is important and part of our duty of care that we provide all our staff members with the knowledge and tips on how to lead a safer digital life.

For this reason, we have made an investment and partnered with Censornet and their SAT platform, a UK-based Cyber Security Awareness Training company that will provide 5-minute training modules on a regular basis, these will be starting shortly.

As part of the SAT platform we will also be running some tests throughout the year, these really are not to catch you out but to enable us to see if there is anyone that needs some extra support to stay safe.

What will my first email look like?

Once you get the first course, there’s no need to set up a new password! Just click on Sign in With Google button when it’s presented on their site, which will look like this:

If you have any further questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact your service provider.

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