Upgrade Outlook Add-in for reporting spam and phishing email

Updated 14 hours ago by admin

A new version of the Outlook add-in for Email Security has been released to use new infrastructure for spam reporting.  The update/upgrade is not automatic, this article explains how to re-install the add-in.

This only applies to customers using the add-in prior to December 2022

There is no option to upgrade the app and a reinstall is required.

  1. Login to your Microsoft 365 tenant as an administrator
  2. In Microsoft admin center navigate to Settings -> Integrated apps
  3. Click on the "Censornet Email Report" entry
  4. Select Remove app as highlighted below:
  5. Once the entry has been removed follow these instructions to install the new version:

Installing the Outlook add-in for Email Security

The add-in manifest file has not changed and will remain the same as before.  If you do not have the manifest file URL please contact your service provider for assistance.

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