Browser Categories

Updated 1 month ago by admin

Browser Categories are user-created collections of browsers and version number patterns, which can be used as part of the Browser Type condition in Filter Rules. Browser Categories allow you to control the types of browsers that have to be in use in order to match filter rules. Typically, this can be used to block vulnerable browsers or unsanctioned browser versions from connecting to the Internet.

Managing Browser Categories

To access the Browser Categories section, visit your USS Dashboard, and then click ProductsWeb SecurityBrowser Categories.

The list of current Browser Categories is shown on the left. Click a Category to see the Browser Patterns contained in the Category.

Searching Browser Categories

You can locate a specific pattern using the Search bar.

Enter your search query and click (or just hit `Enter`). The Browser Categories list will now only show Categories containing the patterns that match your search query.

To return to the full list of Browser Categories, just click the button or clear the search and press enter.

Adding a new Browser Category

To add a new Browser Category, click the button, and enter a name for the new Category in the form that's displayed.

Renaming Categories

To change the name of a Browser Category, simply double-click it. Once you've made any required changes, click to save your changes.

Deleting Browser Categories

Removing a Browser Category will remove it from any Rules that reference the Category, and will also remove all the Patterns that belong to this Category.

To delete a Browser Category, just select it and click the button.

Managing Patterns

In the context of Browser Categories, Patterns simply represent specific browsers together with a version number and a match type.

Adding Browser Patterns

To add a new Browser, first select the Browser Category to which the new Browser should belong. Then, click the button and enter the details in the form that's displayed.


Select from the list of pre-defined browser names.


Enter the numeric or string representation of the browser version number. Browser version numbers can be quite long and complex, for example 88.0.705.9, and are part of the User Agent header that the client uses. You should try and be as specific as possible if you want to use exact matching but use the highest (or major) version number, e.g. 88 when performing greater than or less than matching.

You can use the Web Activity reports to determine the captured browser version. Due to the use of a User Agent database, this may differ from the version reported in the browsers "About" dialog. If your rule is not matching, it is advisable to capture some traffic with the browser first and review the version number in the reports.
The match logic works on major, minor and patch number format. If the patch number is missing from the database, it will automatically be set to 0. For example, if Firefox 84.0.2 is reported as 84.0 in the Web Activity reports due to the User Agent database, the version 84.0.0 will be assumed for matching purposes.

Select the matching logic to determine if the browser matches the version number in the pattern. Options are:

  • Less Than
  • Less Than or Equal To
  • Equal To
  • Greater Than or Equal To
  • Greater Than
The browser control system is based on User Agent strings. You can use a third party online parser (external link) to determine the version number.

Click to create the new Browser Pattern.

Updating Browser Patterns

To edit a Browser Pattern, double-click it. Make the changes you require, and then click .

Deleting Patterns

To delete a Browser Pattern, select it and click the button.

Using Browser Categories in Rules

Browser Categories can be used within Filter Rules in order to match web requests using the Browser Type condition. For example, you may want to block browsers that have become end of life or have known vulnerabilities.

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