Unable to Relay error on outbound email

Updated 10 months ago by admin

All outbound emails are authenticated in one of two ways:

  • Server based
  • User based. 

If you get the error <server>.scanscope.net #550 Unable to relay it means that authentication has not been configured.  Below are the authentication methods used.

  1. By IP address (Server Based)

The external IP addresses of your sending servers must be added to the Email Security product.

Navigate to the Email Security product, then Product Configuration menu and then Outbound Mail. Ensure that you add each external IP address to the list.

With IP address added EMS will only route email which matches a from address from the Domains section of the account in the portal
For Office 365 please see the following KB article.

For Office 365, an SPF record is added to the Outbound Mail hosts. The following requirements must be met otherwise the message will be rejected. 

  • The IP address comes from an Office 365 server listed in the SPF record.
  • The mail from: or from:in the headers comes from a domain that is configured for the customer in the Domains section.
  1. SMTP Authentication (User Based)

For situations where the user is connecting directly from a dynamic IP address, SMTP authentication can be used with a username and password.

By Default, this feature is not enabled. Please contact your service provider for further assistance.

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