What's new ?

Updated 1 week ago by admin

v2.46.19 - 22nd July 2024


  • General Maintenance Release

v2.46.18 - 16th July 2024


  • General Maintenance Release

v2.46.17 - 10th July 2024


  • Updated Dashboard ribbon to reflect newly available products
  • Improved reporting speed
  • Fixed support for UPN style username in report filters

v2.46.16 - 4th July 2024


  • Updated Master Services Agreement v2.6

v2.46.15 - 13th June 2024


  • General Maintenance Release
  • It is now possible to open the Email Activity report from the Mailboxes section for easy searching by email address

v2.46.14 - 4th June 2024


  • General Maintenance Release

v2.46.13 - 20th May 2024


  • General Maintenance Release

v2.46.12 - 7th May 2024


  • Minor bug fixes

v2.46.11 - 22nd April 2024


  • Added support for Google Workspace sync and renamed Products -> "Active Directory" to "User Directory"
  • General Maintenance Release

v2.46.10 - 12th April 2024


  • Minor bug fixes

v2.46.9 - 4th April 2024


  • Add Device Hostname to App Activity report
  • Allow viewing of large number of scheduled reports in calendar view
  • Improve width of Sandbox Settings form
  • Bug fix sorting Deployment by last Config Update
  • Bug fix for Retract email

v2.46.8 - 8th March 2024


  • Maintenance Release

v2.46.7 - 5th March 2024


  • Enforce two-factor authentication for administrators
    • on first login
    • after x days
    • apply to all child accounts
    • prevent child accounts from changing the settings

v2.46.6 - 20th February 2024


  • Maintenance Release

v2.46.5 - 12th February 2024


  • Maintenance Release

v2.46.4 - 7th February 2024


  • Minor bug fixes

v2.46.3 - 1st February 2024


  • Minor bug fixes

v2.46.2 - 31st January 2024


  • Maintenance Release
  • Upgrade to TLS 1.2 for dashboard connections

v2.46.1 - 24th January 2024


  • Minor bug fixes

v2.46.0 - 17th January 2024

Email Security

  • Advanced DLP for Email Security add-on
  • Updated Scoring Engine
  • Entity Lookup Tool
  • Improved Reporting


  • Updated Master Services Agreement

v2.45.19 - 15th December 2023


  • Minor fixes - Merry Christmas!

v2.45.18 - 14th December 2023


  • Ability to clone an Agent Configuration Profile
  • Other minor fixes

v2.45.17 - 7th December 2023


  • Bring-your-own certificate for Win/Mac agent TLS interception (requires agent upgrade)
  • Entity Lookup tool for DLP Grammars
  • Other minor fixes

v2.45.16 - 30th November 2023


  • Combined Reports can now be downloaded and scheduled

v2.45.15 - 21st November 2023

Email Security

  • Mailboxes view now supports pagination
  • Ability to search for aliases
  • Ability to display mailboxes synchronised from Active Directory

v2.45.14 - 17th November 2023


  • Minor bug fixes

v2.45.13 - 9th November 2023


  • Minor bug fixes

v2.45.12 - 6th November 2023


  • Fix - email retract case sensitivity issue
  • General fixes and cosmetic improvements

Web Security

  • Added a new Header bypass type

v2.45.11 - 27th October 2023


  • Fix - SecureMail configuration apply settings issue

v2.45.10 - 25th October 2023


  • Fix - it's now possible to search Web Activity and Cloud Activity report by Active Directory domain
  • LinkScan - it is now possible to use Custom Rule data to bypass rewriting of specific URL's (using RegEx). You will need to create a new Custom Rule data to use with the "LinkScan Bypass" condition

Security Awareness Training

  • A company logo can now be added to the dashboard. Please contact your Service Provider for more information
  • Anonymous Reporting - turning this on will redact personal data from simulations and audit report data. Please contact your Service Provider for more information
  • Reporting only permissions by tenant, department and location
  • Single day batched sends - the option to choose batched sends over a single day

v2.45.9 - 5th October 2023


  • Fix - Scheduled reports do not honour the selected columns in the saved report
  • Fix - Scheduled report notifications do not use configured brand settings
  • Other minor bug fixes

v2.45.8 - 29th September 2023


  • Minor bug fixes

v2.45.7 - 22nd September 2023


  • Minor cosmetic fixes

v2.45.6 - 19th September 2023


  • General maintenance release
  • Bug fixes

v2.45.5 - 13th September 2023

Bug fix

  • "AD Group" filter now correctly displays groups from Azure AD for use in report queries

v2.45.4 - 12th September 2023


Updated Master Services Agreement

v2.45.4 - 31st August 2023


Enhancements to the SecureMail add-on for Email Security, including:

  • The ability to enforce 2FA for external users
  • The auto-expiry of messages
  • A Forgotten Password flow for external users
  • See Configuring SecureMail for further information
  • Various improvements and minor bug fixes

v2.45.3 - 17th July 2023


  • General maintenance release

v2.45.2 - 24th April 2023

Web Security

  • Added a Capture Type option to the Mac OS X Agent Configuration section to toggle between identifying users by SAM, UPN or FQDN

v2.45.1 - 20th April 2023


  • Minor cosmetic fixes

v2.45.0 - 13th April 2023


  • Maintenance release to support the forthcoming Advanced DLP add-on

v2.44.1 - 28th March 2023

Bug fixes

  • Cloud Activity (API) report shows filename column by default
  • Fix for date conversion in Email Activity report

v2.44.0 - 24th March 2023

Cloud Application Security

  • Added the ability to capture events from Onedrive and Sharepoint API connectors

v2.43.4 - 2nd March 2023

Security Awareness Training

  • Ability to impersonate a child SAT tenant
  • Bug fix license change

v2.43.3 - 14th February 2023

Bug fixes

  • Quarantine multi-select doesn't always select all items
  • Mac OS X certificate generated in a Agent Config Profile now have unique serial numbers
  • SecureMail delete item dialog box typo corrected
  • Administrator section no longer limited to 200 users
  • Keyword Filter in Analytics improved as a tag field
  • Chart legend format no longer contains underscores

v2.43.2 - 30th January 2023


  • Completion of the migration to Cloud Reporting mode
  • Active schedules have been migrated however we recommend customers review them
  • For assistance with Log Archives, please contact your service provider

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