USS Agent for Mac OS X Tray icon status codes.

Updated 1 month ago by admin

The USS Agent for Mac OS X uses the following tray icons to indicate different statuses. They are described below:


USS Agent has a valid Configuration Profile and all connectivity tests have passed.

USS Agent has obtained a valid Configuration Profile however the control ports required for operation are not accessible.

USS Agent software obtained a valid valid Configuration Profile but can no longer connect to download updates.

USS Agent software is unable to connect to the API to download a Configuration Profile or the config file is invalid

USS Agent is unable to download a valid Configuration Profile and connection to the control ports has failed.

USS Agent software is disabled.

Known network detected, agent is enabled (all connections intercepted)


Known network detected and "do not disable for IP" has matched, meaning agent is enabled

Known network detected, agent is disabled (no connections intercepted)

Partial detection. One or more networks detected. There is at least one or more network interface not being intercepted/filtered.

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