Gateway failing to join the domain - the address handle that was given to the transport was invalid

Updated 3 weeks ago by admin

USS Gateway failing to join AD domain

If the USS gateway fails to join the Active Directory domain and you have verified all of the settings are correct, you might need to join the domain via the command line.

A common join return code which indicates this route might need to be taken is:

return code = -1

Failed to join domain: failed to find DC for domain DOMAIN - The address handle that was given to the transport was invalid.

Below we'll outline steps to resolving the issue via the command line. We recommend using Putty or a console connection which allows copy and paste. See the article Accessing the Command Line.

In this example, the the domain is JOTUNHEIM.LOCAL and username "mick"- please replace these values with information from your own domain. The commands shown MUST be entered with the same case exactly e.g. upper case and lower case characters.

Pre-requisite – please install the Kerberos utilities using:

apt-get -y install krb5-user

  1. Create the Active Directory domain in the UI as usual (replacing the fields with details for your own domain)
  1. Join the domain using this command (using your own user and replace JOTUNHEIM.LOCAL with your own domain in capital letters):
    net ads join -U mick@jotunheim.local -s /etc/samba/JOTUNHEIM.LOCAL_smb.conf
    This will prompt for a password, which will not be echoed to the screen while typing. If the join is successful, you will see an error about adding the DNS record, but this can be ignored as this will need to be created manually.
  2. Update the proxy database with this info (replace JOTUNHEIM.LOCAL here with your own domain):
sudo su -c "psql -d cloudgw -c \"update ad_auth_domains set is_joined='1' where realm='JOTUNHEIM.LOCAL'\";" postgres

It should look like this if successful:

  1. Create the keys (replacing the user and JOTUNHEIM.LOCAL in the filename with your own details):
net ads keytab add_update_ads HTTP -U mick@JOTUNHEIM.LOCAL -s /etc/samba/JOTUNHEIM.LOCAL_smb.conf

Verify that the keys have been created:

klist -ke /etc/krb5.keytab
  1. Update the proxy database with this info:
sudo su -c "psql -d cloudgw -c \"update ad_auth_domains set has_keys='1' where realm='JOTUNHEIM.LOCAL'\";" postgres

It should look like this if successful:

  1. Enable AD Authentication:
sudo su -c "psql -d cloudgw -c \"update global_config set val='1' where key='ad_authentication'\";" postgres
  1. Finally, restart the proxy here, and everything should work:
Please remember to create a DNS record for the proxy after going through these steps. A guide can be found here

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