Deploying via Wizard
The USS Agent for Windows software includes an interactive installation wizard, which is run when the.msi file is started by a Windows user. For small deployments, this is often the quickest and easi…
Updated 2 months ago
Getting Started
How To Activate Your USS Account.
USS Dashboard Walk Through.
Getting Started with Web Security
Getting started with Cloud Application Security.
Getting started with Email Security
Getting started with Security Awareness Training
Account Settings
Cloud App. Security (CASB)
Cloud Multi-factor authentication (MFA)
Knowledge Base
Managing an MFA lock-out
Count how many users are in an AD group
ADFS Login not being intercepted for MFA
Configure FortiGate to use PAP for Challenge-Response
Quick Start
MFA - Rules Engine Concepts
Authentication Client (server)
Authentication App (enduser)
MFA - Product Configuration
Third Party Guides
Configuring Windows Logon Protection
Configuring RADIUS Protection
Deploying the Cloud MFA Authentication App
Configuring RD Web Access using IIS Website Protection
Products not supporting RADIUS Challenge-Response
Configuring AD FS Protection
Compliant Email Archive (CEA)
User Guide
CEA User Guide
Viewing and Managing History in CEA
Using the CEA Outlook Add-in
Viewing and Managing Spaces in CEA
Managing Deletion Requests from CEA
Installing the Outlook Add-in for CEA
Legal Hold in CEA
Authorised Delete in CEA
Viewing and Managing CEA results
Google Workspace
CEA - Data storage explained
Compliant Email Archive Quick Start Guide
Understanding Data Guardians
Email Archive End User Guide
Configuring journaling on Exchange 365
Configuring authentication with O365 via OAuth
Ingest mail via Mailbox Reader with MSGraph
Configuring an Impersonation Account
Folder Replication Configuration
Assigning delegation via OAuth with User Directory
Compliant Email Archive - LDAP Configuration
Configuring journaling for Exchange and Office 365
Configuring a local user account
Re-enabling Outlook Homepage Tab
Ingest mail via Mailbox Reader for Exchange 2013 - 2019
Ingest mail via Mailbox Reader
End User Email Archive Authentication with ADFS
Email Security (EMS)
Email Security Configuration
EMS - Message Rules
Connection Rules
Custom rule Data
Global Quarantine
Personal Quarantine
Spam Deny List
Spam Safe List
Group Management
EMS - Product Configuration
Configuration Recommendations
How to avoid multiple disclaimers being added when forwarding or replying to emails
Executive Tracking
Nearby Domain Rule
Configuring TLS encryption
LinkScan: on-demand URL protection
Configure outbound DMARC
Configure outbound DKIM
How to Prefix a banner to inbound emails
Executive Tracking with Subject
IP Geolocation Connection Rule
Display Name Detection
How to configure Authenticated Received Chain (ARC) Inbound
How to use the Domain Name Detection rule
Empty Body Detection
How does DMARC work?
Reject oversized emails
MX records and IP addresses
MX records and IP addresses for all regions
MX records and IP addresses for EU customers
MX records and IP addresses for USA customers
MX records and IP addresses for UAE customers
MX records and IP addresses for India customers
Office 365
Post Delivery Email Deletion (Retract)
Configure Office 365 for EMS
Safelisting Email Security IP addresses in Office 365
Configure Inbound mail on Office 365 to reject non-EMS emails.
Managing DNS in Office 365
Knowledge Base
Example Rules
Digest generation and Quarantines
Blocking emails from hacked Gmail accounts
Stop specific users from receiving Word documents
Detect credit card numbers in an email
Disable spam filtering for specific mailboxes
CoreService filter classifications
Configure GMail using Google Workspace for EMS
Configure outbound email for Exchange 2007/2010
Configure outbound email for Exchange 2016
Bulk Email & Fair Usage
Queue retention and retry times
Personal Safe Lists and Personal Deny Lists
Reject message due to message “550 5.1.8 sender denied”
Email Sandbox - Supported file types
[Marketing Medium] or [High Medium] prefixed to the subject of mails
DMARC Failure Reporting
What happens when my Email Security license is suspended or deleted?
Example Spam Digest or Quarantine Report
How to onboard users into the End User Portal
Cisco Fixup Protocol
Adding images to email disclaimers
Reject Top Level Domains
Adding an alias to a primary mailbox
Temporary Server Error
Unable to Relay error on outbound email
Notify Recipient/Sender Actions
Reject Disabled user accounts (mailboxes)
DLP Dictionaries
Activate the Quarantine Portal for Spam Digest users
DMARC Abuse Report received even though it passes DMARC
Unable to forward emails from Microsoft 365 accounts
How to use Custom Rule Data (formerly Dictionaries)
HTML attachments
How to block double extension filenames
Manage Mailboxes using the API
Email Security: Best Practice Guide
How to work with System Locked rules
How to detect simplified Chinese character sets
Placeholders for inserting message data into actions
Creating Custom Digests
Advanced Email Sandbox - Overview
Redirect emails to a different address
How to add comments in Regex
Configuring MTA-STS and TLS-RPT (Inbound)
Connector Mode Configuration Guide
QR Code scanning
Outlook Plugin
How to Report Spam and Phishing Emails via the Censornet Outlook Plugin.
Outlook Add-in V2
Installing the Outlook add-in for Email Security
Outlook add-in is not the newest version
Upgrade Outlook Add-in for reporting spam and phishing email
Securemail (add-on)
Email Security Troubleshooting
Reporting spam or false positives
Insufficient system resources message on inbound email delivery
Outbound Delivery error: 550 Unable to relay
No Valid MX Record NDR message
Why do I see No SMTP transport in Email activity?
Email Security Common Problems
Email Security: Quick Start for Microsoft 365.
Email Security: Quick Start
Email Security: Quick Start for Google Workspace
EMS - Default Rules
What's new ?
Understanding Product Usage
Service IP addresses and ports
End of Life
Supported Browsers
Privacy Policy
Master Services Agreement (MSA)
Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs)
Website Usage and Cookie Policies
Log Streaming
Log Streaming Overview
Log Streaming to Microsoft Sentinel
Log Streaming record format
Log Streaming to Rapid7 InsightIDR
Log Streaming to Amazon S3
Log Streaming to Google Cloud Storage
Log Streaming for Splunk Enterprise or Cloud
Log Streaming to Sumo Logic
Product Settings
Single Sign On
Active Directory
AD Connect software
Roles (RBAC)
Keyword Lists
Devices & Groups
Active Directory Synchronisation Explained
Active Directory Object Synchronisation
Account Password and MFA
Role Builder
Granting access to synchronise Entra ID shared mailboxes
Add the Exchange Online API permission to an existing AAD connection
Verify that Azure AD permissions are granted for Shared Mailbox sync
Google Workspace synchronisation
Posture Management
Posture Management Overview
Posture Management Dashboard (Homepage)
Posture Management Scanning
Posture Management Activity and AI Remediation
Controls Management
AWS Onboarding Guide
Google Cloud Platform Onboarding Guide
Microsoft 365 Onboarding Guide
Microsoft Azure Onboarding Guide
Salesforce Onboarding Guide
Configuring Microsoft Teams alerts
Upgrade Notice
Security Awareness Training (SAT)
SAT - User Guide
SAT - Assets
SAT - Comms Template for Microsoft.
SAT - Comms Template for Google.
Course Overviews
Cyber Hints and Tips
SAT Troubleshooting
How do I reset my SAT password?
SAT - Reports data not showing.
How to allow download of images within emails
SAT Course video do not load.
How do I Access the SAT Portal as a New User via Email?
SAT - Using the Sim Creation Tool
SAT - Content Packs
Web Security (WS)
Web Security Configuration
WS - Rules Engine Concepts
WS - Filter Rules
Feature Control Rules
Browser Categories
Custom URLs
Bypass Categories
Deployment Section.
Agent Configuration Profiles
Unblock Requests
Web Security: Product Configuration
Prevent Law features for UK organisations
USS Agents
USS Agent for Windows
Deploying the USS Agent for Windows
Deploying via Wizard
Deploying via Startup/Shutdown script
Deploying the Windows agent via a custom MSI
Deployment via GPO
Deploying USS Windows Agent via Microsoft Intune
Command-line parameters for the USS Agent for Windows.
Installing the USS Agent for Windows SSL certificate in Firefox.
Deploying the USS agent for Windows via Microsoft SCCM
Changelog - Windows Agent
Configuration options for the Windows agent type
Download Microsoft Windows agent
Requirements for the USS Agent for Windows
Processes used by USS Agent for Windows
USS Agent for MacOS
Deploying the USS Agent for Mac OS X
Install - Deploying the USS Agent for Mac OS X via Wizard.
Command-line parameters For the USS Agent for Mac OS X
Deploying the USS Agent for Mac OS X via JAMF
Requirements for the USS Mac OS X agent
Changelog - MacOS Agent
Download macOS Agent
Configuration options for the Mac OS X USS agent.
USS Agent for Chromebook
Deploying the USS Agent for ChromeBook
Changelog - Chromebook Agent
Download Chromebook agent
Configuration options for the USS Chromebook agent.
USS Gateway
Deploying the USS Gateway
USS Gateway - Requirements
Installation of the USS Gateway
Installing the USS Gateway on Microsoft Hyper-V
Deploying Web Browser proxy settings for the USS Gateway.
Migrating the SSL intercept certificate to a new gateway
Preparing the USS Gateway for use with a load balancer
Client Deployment options for explicit proxying to the USS Gateway.
Configuring USS Gateway to work with software load balancer
Set up Guide for Edge Nexus ADC and Censornet USS Gateways
Third Party Load Balancer Guides
Change the default listening port for the USS Gateway proxy
Installing an SSL Certificate on iOS 13 onwards.
USS Gateway Configuration
Authentication & Identification
USS Gateway Time & NTP Settings
USS Gateway System Settings
USS Gateway Advanced configuration
Configuration options for the USS Gateway agent.
USS Gatewat Charts
Download Gateway Virtual Machine
Changelog - USS Gateway.
Web Security Troubleshooting
USS Mac OS X Agent Troubleshooting
USS Mac OS X Agent Log File Storage
Collecting debug information - USS Agent for Mac OS X
Processes used by the USS Agent for Mac OS X
USS Agent for Mac OS X Tray icon status codes.
Microsoft Teams Bypass Exception list on mac OS
Safari 17 Proxy Exceptions limit on a USS Mac OS X Agent.
USS Windows Agent Troubleshooting
How to disable Device Guard or Credential Guard
USS Window Agent Tray icon status codes
Temporary files generated by the endpoint agent software
USS Windows Agent Log File Storage
Incompatibility with nmap based products such as Wireshark
Collecting debug information - USS Agent for Windows
Using USS Windows Agent Web Security with Sophos
Windows agent - force download of anti-malware database
Change the default USS Windows agent configuration poll time.
USS Gateway Troubleshooting
Regular Gateway server maintenance
Accessing the USS Gateway Command Line
Resetting the Ubuntu Password To Log Into Gateway Command Line
Captive Portal on Samsung Devices
"The Requested Content Was Blocked" Error Message on a USS Gateway
Resizing a Partition in ESX Server Virtual Machine
Interception of iOS and Android apps (SSL Pinning)
Using an intermediate CA signed by Windows DC root CA
Updating the USS Gateway
Upgrading the USS Gateway from 20.04 LTS to 22.04 LTS.
Importing an SSL Certificate into the USS Gateway
Collecting debug information - USS Gateway
Adding a Static Route on a USS Gateway.
Chromebook Allowlist USS Gateway Proxy
Disable QUIC in Chrome Browser
Take a Packet Capture From the USS Gateway Command Line.
Check for the presence of a system proxy user
USS Gateway failing to install
ERR_CERT_HAS_EXPIRED_ Digicert certificate expiry 2023
How to add a Static Route to the USS Gateway
YouTube Safe or Restricted mode enforced by DNS on a USS Gateway.
Troubleshooting Web Security Filter Rules.
How to identify if a Bypass is affecting Web Security Filter Rules.
Knowledge Base
Bypassing Office 365
Unclassified / Uncategorised Site Processing
Censornet Web Filtering Policy and Approach for Education
List of domains to bypass apps for SSL Interception on the USS Gateway.
Blocking Embedded Games in Google Search
Enable Enhanced Unpacking Engine
MIME Categories and Types
How to submit a URL reclassification request
What happens when my Web Security license is suspended or deleted?
SSL/TLS Strict Mode blocked ciphers
Export Agents using curl script
Custom URL parsing and overlapping patterns
Web Security Common Problems
Allow partial websites/specific YouTube videos
Gateway failing to join the domain - the address handle that was given to the transport was invalid
Gateway proxy authentication pop-up login dialog
Bypasses not applying
USS Gateway IP changes unexpectedly
Global Web Filtering Coverage
Web Categories List
Fair Usage Policy for Web & CASB (Inline)
All Categories > Web Security (WS) > USS Agents > USS Agent for Windows > Deploying the USS Agent for Windows
8 articles