Cloud USS E-mail Security provides comprehensive real-time email threat protection, through a simple redirection of MX
records and outbound "Smart Host" configuration. Through multi-layered protection, utilising a combination of technologies, the Cloud USS platform offers complete control over mail flow, and protection against both traditional and emerging threats. E-mail Security provides cloud-based security for email: anti-spam, anti-malware, anti-phishing and mail flow continuity. It's compatible with any SMTP email server, such as Microsoft Exchange, and many cloud-based email services such as Office 365, Hosted Exchange and Google Apps.

Key features
- SaaS security service
- Anti-spam detection
- Anti-malware detection
- Anti-phishing
- Spear phishing detection
- On-demand Link scanning
- Powerful rules engine to control every aspect of mail flow
- Content scanning
- Deep attachment scanning
- E-mail digest for end-user management of quarantine
- Roles based access with auditing
- Detailed e-mail transaction audit
- Charts and Reporting for analysis
- Optional e-mail backup
- Optional e-mail continuity service (Emergency Inbox)
- Optional SecureMail for delivering messages via a web portal to recipients
- White labelling, provisioning and multi-tiered for partners/MSP's