Configure Google User Sync for SAT

Configure Google User Sync for SAT

Below is a short guide on how to import Google users into your SAT Users list.

Before starting your Google Import, it is advised that you create a separate OU within your Google environment.
  1. Log in to the SAT portal (please ensure you are logged on as a Tenancy administrator with a valid email address assigned):  For UK: For EU:
  2. Click on 'Tenancy'.
  3. Click on the 'Users' tab at the top.
  4. Click on the 'Google' icon.
  5. Any permissions requests will need to be accepted by the admin.
  6. You should now be directed to a page informing you that you will receive an email.
  7. After a few minutes, you should receive an email telling you to click a link in order to import your users.
  8. Tick the 'Create' box next to the OU you have created for your tenancy user list.
  9. Finally, click 'Submit'.
Please note, this is a one-time import and not a sync. Google sync is set to release Q2 2023.

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